Real Estate Blog

5 Ways to get back to routine with batteries charged

After the summer period, we started September as if it were a new year... And from Real Estate Travermed we want to show you 5 ways to make the return to the routine easy... Are you prepared?  

In Travermed we have returned with the batteries charged, with renewed energy and eager to give you the best advice and the best information of the real estate sector of the Valencia Community. In addition, to give you investment options that suit your needs, new rental options and buying real estate, both new and second hand, and help you with the sale/rental of your properties.

During this new course we will continue to offer you the best real estate service based on your needs, focusing on offering quality and experience, and everything close.

Perhaps for some getting back to the routine you can do something hard, so we thought that these 5 tips by Infojobs can help you and make it easier:


1.- Plans an adaptation period: We do not advise you to return to routine the day after the end of your holiday. Take about two days to resume your habits, as well as your schedule, your diet, exercise... Sleep longer hours, because from the holidaywe must also recover, and regulate your activity level, from least to most.










2.- Avoid negative thinking: Don't complain so much, this will only make it worse. Yes, on vacation you were very good, but what about the rest of the year? Good things also happen and you'll do things you'll have fun with the same way. So, do activities that keep your mind busy and do things you like at work.



3.- Do not make hot decisions: Going back to the routine causes us to make rash decisions: don't do anything you might regret next. If you have to make a decision, wait to do so. Give yourself a few days, until you see that everything is back to normal, so it will be much easier for you.


4.- Make leisure plans: Go to the beach or the pool, go for a walk or a bike ride, there's room for dinner go to the cinema.. Organizing plans with your loved ones will make your mood improve, while serving you to get back to routine.


5.- Face the return with enthusiasm: Think about how lucky or lucky you are to have a job. Propose new challenges, both in your life and at work, but make sure they are short-term, which will make you excited every day. Put all your will in this new course!


The vocation of service with which we identify in Real Estate Travermed is to offer the best possible service and advice based on the needs of our clients. Therefore, we firmly believe that the business relationship with your real estate agent should be fully trusted. So for our part we offer you:

ACCOMPANIMENT: One of our agents will accompany you throughout the sale or rental process, both as an owner and as a buyer or tenant.

ADVICE: We provide you with all our knowledge and experience at all stages of the process, to set prices, during negotiation, to reach the price agreement and conditions, and for the drafting of the contract and review of it, etc.

If you are thinking of buying, renting or selling a property... we help you with it! Happy turn!


Travermed Gestió Immobiliária


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