Real Estate Blog

4 Things to do at home to cope with the confinement by the alarm state

The alarm status was approved by decree and came into force for a period of fifteen days and today we will know if fifteen more will be extended. A long time is the one that we have to be at home with all that it entails, but if we keep the spirit, the head and body busy with activities, apart from the telework if possible, we may carry it better.


What if we take this opportunity to be better? Better people, partners, couples, children, parents... This quarantine must bring out the best in each of us, and thus be able to deal with it with the best possible attitude and positivism.


Today we give you some ideas and tips, specifically 4, to cope with this situation and take advantage of the time to do things at home We start!


1. Tips for disinfecting your home and keeping it in order throughout the day:

Now that we're going to spend more time at home it's time to create a safe and clean space, and for that, simple gestures like performing small daily cleanings and disinfecting with specific products can help you in that. Boticaria García has recently explained on television the best tricks to disinfect the surfaces with bleach because it considers it to be the most effective product against #Coronavirus. You can watch the video HERE. And remember that you should never mix it with ammonia, leave it available to children, read the instructions for use, keep it away from food and in case of poisoning call emergencies 112 or the National Institute of Toxicology 915 620 420



2. Do you have to telework? Prepare the space!

If you must do it from home, our recommendation is that you provide a dedicated house space exclusively for it. Sometimes it's not easy and more if you have kids running around, but limiting the areas can help. In addition to keeping it tidy, activate yourself every day at the same time and work with a set schedule. It's a good way to keep your work routine going.



3. Exercise per day:

Daily exercise is the best way to stay active physically and mentally. You don't need to equip yourself specifically for it, with a little time and house items you can create your prop space and a good planned training. Do squats, lift milk cartons, dance, stretch, yoga or pilates. The key is to stay active and busy to make time pass faster.


4. Home 3R.

It's time, you have time and you know you're helping the planet. If you become aware and act on the basis of the 3Rs: REDUCE, RECYCLE and REUTILIZA. We should always do it, but now is a good time to create habits... you know how? We give you some ideas: Use greener bulbs, consume less water with eco programs from your washing machine, recycle your old clothes, separate your garbage and take it to its specific container... do you want to share any more ideas with us? Leave us a comment!


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